• Online
  • 18 Jul, 14.00–17.00
  • Pris: 0

I samband med det 63:e sammanträdet i World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) arrangerar ICC ett digitalt sidoevenemang fokuserat på immaterialrättens möjligheter att bidra till hållbar utveckling. Deltagande är kostnadsfritt, men registrering krävs. Läs mer nedan eller i den fullständiga inbjudan här >>>

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Learn how strategic use of IP lead the way towards achieving sustainable development. Join business and intellectual property leaders from the ICC for and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to tackle key topics:

  • Roundtable 1: Innovating Towards a Sustainable Future
  • Roundtable 2: Positioning SMEs to Grow our Economies
  • Roundtable 3: Can IP narrow the finance gap for businesses?

In the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) 63rd Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States, ICC will hold a set of thought-provoking discussions dealing with key intellectual property issues affecting the global business community. The event consist of three roundtables, around one hour each, combining speakers from the business community, international organizations, and experts in IP and innovation.
