Vilken roll spelar globala städer för att stärka och stödja internationell handel? Under Världshandelsdagen diskuteras ämnet.

ICC Sverige sponsrar detta event organiserat av Stockholms Handelskammare.

Ms. Maria Rankka, CEO of The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

Cities, Regions, and Globalization
Professor Greg Clark, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, International Advisor on the Metropolitan Strategic Plans of major global cities

Innovation and Technology’s Contribution to Growth and Job Creation
Mr. Mikael Damberg, the Swedish Minister of Enterprise and Innovation

The Atlanta Way
Mr. Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia (TBC)

An Historical Perspective on Free Trade
Mr. Alexander Husebye, CEO of The Centre for Business History

Trade Matters—Explaining the Benefits of Trade
Ms. Lena Johansson reveals the winner of ICC Sweden’s Free Trade Award

Success through Trade—Moderated Discussion
Ms. Kristina Lindhe, CEO of Lexington
Mr. Kaj Möller, President of Sweco International
Professor Greg Clark, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution

Business, Trade and Cities—The Way Forward
Ms. Maria Rankka, CEO of The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

Moderator: Dr. Andreas Hatzigeorgiou, Chief Economist, The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

17:00 Networking Reception
Showcasing New Fashion/Tech Products—Geek Meets Chic
The Association of Trade Partners Sweden and The Swedish Fashion Council


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