• Stockholm
  • 14 May, 14:30-16:30
  • Pris: Gratis-event

A roundtable discussion on the topic
WTO and the challenges of multilateral trade

A looming trade war between the United States and China, stalling trade negotiations, and the possible end of the dispute settlement system as no appointments of judges to the Appellate Body seem close. It is safe to say that recent developments have seen both the multilateral trading system and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) threatened. These regrettable developments have put into focus broader issues such as the relevance, legitimacy and effective functioning of the WTO, and the implications for global trade governance.

Solutions to the crisis are desperately needed – and WTO groups, members and international organisations alike have started rethinking possible ways forward. As the world’s largest business organisation – and an active part in founding WTO – the International Chamber of Commerce has a natural role in promoting and facilitating a multilateral trading system. Today, it is more important than ever that the business sector comes together and take collective action to protect a system that has facilitated economic development globally for decades.

Tuesday 14th of May at 14.30-16.30
Brunnsgatan 2, Stockholm

14.30 – 14.35 Opening
Ulf Pehrsson, VP Government & Industry Relations at Ericsson
Chairman ICC Sweden Committee on Trade and Investment policy
Susanna Zeko, Secretary-General, ICC Sweden

14.35 – 14.55 WTO and the multilateral trading system
Mikael Anzén, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sweden to the WTO

14.55 – 15.15 ICC and the WTO
Crispin Conroy, ICC Representative Director in Geneva

15.15 – 15.50 Discussion

15.50 – 16.00 WTO and the dispute settlement system
Kaj Hobér, Professor of International Investment and Trade Law at Uppsala University

16.00 – 16.30 Discussion


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